When I scroll on my iphone, most of the a lot scrolls behind the dark green coloured bar at the top of the site as you’d expect. In this post, I’m going to discuss the behavior of position: fixed in mobile Safari. 但在IOS的safari和webview中,对position:fixed的支持不是很好(在IOS5之前甚至还不支持position:fixed)。我遇到的其中一个问题就是,在iOS6+环境下,input focus弹出输入法的时候,设置了position fixed的input框浮在页面上了,而不是吸附在软键盘上。 Let's say you tap an input element and the iOS keyboard appears. an input element, this can cause the entire fixed element to jump out of place.

The unintuitive behavior in focus, is aggravated with the virtual keyboard open. The trick is to put the tapped input control to the bottom of screen … 网上看到一些是用iscroll方法解决,但是这个方法也比较站内存,对安卓等机器可能造成不良影响。看到这个帖子的解决方法解决IOS safari在input focus弹出输入法时不支持position fixed的问题 ,用了一下,也不是很好用,请问最好的解决办法是什么啊? (working correctly). This will only happen if the user has scrolled any amount (but if you're using position:fixed you're … If there’s a focusable element inside the position fixed element, i.e. iPhone safari is not very stable once you use "position: fixed" and "input" at the same time. Issue description We have a page with some input elements, a link or button, and a fixed header. If there’s a focusable element inside the position fixed element, i.e. an input element, this can cause the entire fixed … Safari doesn’t honor any position: fixed elements, with virtual keyboard open. Well, that is the problem. BUT certain items seem to display over the top of it. Issue occurs only when the fixed DIV slides up some number of pixels > 0. 但在IOS的safari和webview中,对position:fixed的支持不是很好(在IOS5之前甚至还不支持position:fixed)。我遇到的其中一个问题就是,在iOS6+环境下,input focus弹出输入法的时候,设置了position fixed的input框浮在页面上了,而不是吸附在软键盘上。 Mobile Safari does not support position: fixed when an input focused and virtual keyboard displayed.. To force it work the same way as Mobile Chrome, you have to use position: absolute, height: 100% for the whole page or a container for your pseudo-fixed elements, intercept scroll, touchend, focus, and blur events.. but when I click / focus into an input field and exit the telephone keypad, pushing up the entire content of the header. Test scenario: Fixed position DIV with input elements inside. We were using some CSS code to fix this bug. but when I click / focus into an input field and exit the telephone keypad, pushing up the entire content of the header when I close the keyboard the header back in a fixed position. 图中被红色选中区域为 position:fixed 元素. (working correctly). The problem I’m seeing is that when I remove the focus from the input (when I blur), even though the navbar is set back to position:fixed, the navbar is still shown in the middle of the screen until I scroll up or down, which is when it jumps to the top, where it should originally be. Focus jumping. It works on the browser and android 4.2.2 but not on iphone 5s iOS9.2 and appery.io tester. The item at first does appear to go behind the nav element but when you remove your finger, it then pops through. If there's a focusable element inside the position fixed element, i.e. Issues With Position Fixed & Scrolling on iOS ... Focus jumping. Weren’t they position: fixed? iOSKeyboardFix.targetElem.css({'position': 'fixed', 'top' : '-'+changeX+'px'}); $('input, textarea').on('blur', iOSKeyboardFix.undo); It works on the browser and android 4.2.2 but not on iphone 5s iOS9.2 and appery.io tester I also tried adding data-tap-toggle = "false" From Wikimedia Commons. Issues With Position Fixed & Scrolling on iOS ... Focus jumping. I also tried adding. But when we tested on the real phone, we found that the cursor cannot be focused inside of the input field on iPhone 6 (that's the only iPhone version we have currently). when I close the keyboard the header back in a fixed position. Once you focus an input field, the soft keyboard shows up and the fixed DIV also slides up a little bit. The iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 11 and iPhone X R displays have rounded corners that follow a beautiful curved design, and these corners are within a standard rectangle. 问题1:footer输入框 focus 状态,footer 被居中,而不是吸附在软键盘上部。 测试环境:iPhone 4s&5 / iOS 6&7 / Safari ### 问题2:页面底部,footer输入框失去焦点时,header定位出错。当页面有滚动动作时,header定位恢复正常。

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