This page on keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Access, will continue to grow as I come accross other shortcuts.

The most up-to-date version of Microsoft Access is always available with a Microsoft 365 subscription. Thanks. The Microsoft Jet database engine manages the data. Of course under newer versions of access you'll have to set the location of the database as a trusted location or access will attempt to block the database. Access 2019 is compatible with Windows 10. Assign keyboard shortcut to open form?

), or Microsoft Access project (Microsoft Access project: An If you have a keyboard shortcut, that you wish to share and have added to this page, then just complete the feedback/suggestion form below. when you double click the shortcut it should auto-run the macro and open your lookup form. Previous versions include Access 2016, Access 2013, Access 2010, Access 2007, and Access 2003. When you press the key or key combination, Microsoft Access carries out the action. To create a shortcut to a folder, subfolder, Microsoft Access database (Microsoft Access database: A collection of data and objects (such as tables, queries, or forms) that is related to a particular topic or purpose. Note: If you assign an action to a keyboard shortcut that is already assigned to Access, the action that you assign to this keyboard shortcut replaces the Access key assignment.For example, CTRL+C is the keyboard shortcut for the Copy command; if you assign this keyboard shortcut to a macro, Access will run the macro instead of the Copy command. ThinWhiteDude (TechnicalUser) (OP) 2 Dec 04 15:51. 1- Create a macro that opens the form in Window Mode: Dialog 2- (optional)I usually have a "Close" command button that is coded: DoCmd.Quit and set the form's Close Button property to No 3- Create a new shortcut on the desktop. When you specify a menu macro for a form or report or for the database, Access runs this menu macro whenever the form, report, or database is opened.

Microsoft Access 2019 is the latest version of Access available as a one-time purchase. This routine will create a shortcut on the user's desktop that will just open up a form, the Access main window is hidden.

A custom shortcut menu that is attached to a form or report supersedes a custom global shortcut menu.

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