The problem only comes when integrating the shared mailboxes which requires the IMAP configuration -- mainly because I don't have an opporunity to pick the shared mailbox address when using the Office 365 … Tags: imap Outlook SMTP. Outlook. Note: The IMAP server for Gmail is: Hi @jennysowyrda, thanks for the help and quick reply!. Firewall Ports for Office 365; Connect a Shared Mailbox from O365 to Outlook via IMAP; Mailbox User migration fails from On Premise to Office 365; Configure Lync/SfB with Office 365 for server to server authentication; The Service Fails to Start: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a … Post Views: 9,848. Yes, i've tried just one user in my .csv file. Values for security and port. Configure Outlook to access Office 365 mailbox using IMAP and SMTP 4.5 / 5 (2) 4 min read. Here is a quick reference to the Office 365 POP3 and IMAP4 settings but you are recommended to check the latest settings using the above method. The MAIL SERVER settings you have tried is only for Office 365 accounts. It sends on SMTP, but something is blocking the incoming IMAP connection. You can either use an Office 365 account or find the correct IMAP Incoming and Outgoing mail server settings of your non-Office 365 account. Re: imap o365 You want to look into Conditional Access to limited login for this account to a single location or Client Access Rules in Exchange Online to do the same (and restrict protocol to IMAP, as I think you can do that too) For more information about IMAP connections in Office 365, see POP and IMAP email settings for Outlook. Category: Outlook By Eyal Doron 04/11/2016 Leave a comment. I thought it was cPanel's firewall that was blocking the specific ports, but it doesn't seem to be that as I tried to pull the imap data into a PC based program without any luck. If you are not using an Office 365 account, then it is not feasible to send/receive emails via Office 365 IMAP servers. Imap to Office 365 Just for sake of questions: Yes, i've tested the link between both servers from the powershell and it comes back good. The POP3, IMAP4, and SMTP server name and other settings you may need to enter are listed on the Settings for POP or IMAP Access page under POP setting or IMAP setting, and SMTP setting. I have the primary address for the account ( configured through the Office 365 Integration (works great!). The same .csv file i've tried with a trial 3rd party tool and it worked. If all of it is correct, please then run the following PowerShell command to see if the connection to that IMAP server is successful: Test-MigrationServerAvailability -IMAP -RemoteServer -Port <143 or 993> For the value of the Port parameter, use 143 for unencrypted connections or 993 for SSL connections. I have also tested the endpoints with BitTitan Migrationwiz and it came back successful. Office 365 also needs the values for the encryption method and the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port number that's used by the source email IMAP server. Apr 11 2016. Post Views: 9,848.

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