You can use efibootmgr (or, preferably, some more user-friendly tool, though I'm not familiar with one) to edit them.. In this example, Ubuntu is entry 5. the following could be called to delete entry 5 and remove it from the BootOrder. If so, you can manually add a boot entry even though you shouldn’t have to. Introduction. Click on Add Boot option. I have no idea how you'd do this from Windows. Click the button to delete this entry. Here are four ways to remove old boot manager options from your system boot process. Boot0001* EFI Network 0 for IPv6 (B8-88-E3-84-F3-EF) Boot0002* EFI Network 0 for IPv4 (B8-88-E3-84-F3-EF) Boot0003* Windows Boot Manager Boot0004* EFI USB Device (SanDisk) Boot0005* ubuntu Boot2001* EFI USB Device. You’d want to point it to the \EFI\Boot\Bootmgfw.efi file on the SSD’s EFI partition. 1. Hide the Options. A pop-up will appear asking you if you want to delete this entry. Select the boot entry you want to delete in the boot order list.

Click "Yes". Go to General→Boot Sequence. Les firmwares EFI apportent de grandes modifications sur le démarrage des ordinateurs ainsi que la structure des partitions de disques. Auparavant sur les BIOS hérité, pour modifier l’ordre de démarrage, vous devez vous rendre dans le BIOS et modifier les paramètres de Boot Order. Okay, so the first option isn’t strictly removing the entry, but you can hide the alternative boot options using the Windows Advanced startup menu. However, I accidentally deleted the boot option priorities using file browser del boot option.

Cette méthode est détaillée sur l’article : Comment changer le Boot Priority du BIOS And yes, you're right: bootx64.efi could be GRUB, or it could be the Windows' boot loader, or it could be some completely different boot loader. The boot entries are stored in your firmware. Then delete the option you dont want. In Boot Option Name, type Ubuntu, Don't touch File System List option and in File Name select the file grubx64.efi which must be in /EFI… I have a bootable USB made with the UEFI support. It must look like this.

Yesterday I was trying to install a new windows since my previous one got really laggy and I kept seeing a lot of issues with it. Press Windows key + I to open the Settings panel. You should be able to browse to that file in the Add Boot Option interface. You will get three fields: Boot Option Name, File System List and File Name. Then delete the option you dont want. In this example, Ubuntu is entry 5. the following could be called to delete entry 5 and remove it from the BootOrder.

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