CodeModule.CodePane.Window.Top = nn Is there any in VBA to control the size and positioning of application windows, or folder windows (or any other windows)? Syntax. An Outlook / MAPI code library for VBA, .NET and C# projects Get emails out to your customers reliably, and without hassle, every single time. Remarks. Example. Use the Move method to change the position of a form.. Many of our Access users have two monitors, is there a way to tell which monitor the launching form is in and have the Popup form be displayed in the same monitor? P: n/a Gord. For instance, when I open MS Word, the page window is always centered - is there any way to use VBA to size that window, and have it set up in the top right-hand corner? Easy. How to bring window to top. WindowTop Property Returns an Integer indicating the screen position in twips of the top edge of a form or report relative to the top of the Microsoft Access window. Thanks. The following example returns the screen position …

Use vbMAPI alongside Microsoft Outlook to add professional emailing capabilities to your projects. expression A variable that represents a Form object.. expression.WindowTop. Applies to MS Access Versions. Read-only. Form.WindowTop property (Access) Returns an Integer indicating the screen position in twips of the top edge of a form relative to the top of the Microsoft Access window. Read-only. Post your question and get tips & solutions from a community of 454,330 IT Pros & Developers. Level of Difficulty. Find answers to Access Window Height and Top locations from the expert community at Experts Exchange It's quick & easy. Need help? home > topics > microsoft access / vba > questions > how to bring window to top + Ask a Question. Access 2000+ Overview: Sometimes, when we create a full blown application, utility, or departmental tool, we only want to see the opening form pop up on the screen and leave the full MS Access application window at the bottom of the toolbar.
Many users have Access running in the secondary monitor but the Popup load in the Primary monitor. Any help regarding this would be greatly appreciated.

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